Once upon a time, in a not so distant past, there was a nameless group of adventurers who have not yet decided on a name for their party so nameless they shall remain, until which time they have named their group. And at which time they will no longer be nameless. Anyway, on with the show, enough of this rabble, getting back to the party of adventurers who of the time of their namelessness where on the way to a great adventure. Because that's what adventurers do after all; they adventure. And this particular band of nameless adventures whilst on their way to the greatest of all adventures found themselves traveling eastward in a dark forest, wind and sleet tears at their cloaks, the sound of wolves baying in the night can be heard in the distance. The party can make out a lantern hanging in the window of a tower. The warmth of the burning light seems quite inviting to the cold and wet adventurers. As the party pushes on toward the tower they are surrounded by a pack of grey wolves. As they begin to fend off the wolves, a woman's voice can be heard coming from the tower beckoning them, "Come inside and you will be safe!"
The party continues to fight off the wolves while moving toward the bridge they must cross to get to the tower. While slaying one of the wolves near an old building foundation the fighter awoken a giant spider that jumped onto the fighter causing the fighter to lose his balance and be poisoned. He was finally able to push the spider off onto one of the wolves. Luckily for the fighter the spider and wolf engaged in fighting, allowing the fighter to make it to the bridge and cross. Once the party safely crossed the bridge, the last two wolves were scared off by the woman from the tower throwing flash bombs their way. The very weary, but grateful party made it to the tower with only minor damages, leaving behind several slain and maimed wolves.
Please, join us next time when we find out what is in store for the party of nameless adventurers once inside the tower.
You missed the part where the healer struck the spider for 30 damage and crapper her pants when it didn't die, lol.