Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Gaming Hall of Fame

This is a list of fantasy games that I have enjoyed over the years, they are a mix of video and paper and pencil games. Tell me in the comments what your favorite fantasy games were throughout the past years.

Secret of Mana for the SNES  

The Might and Magic series for me was amazing I started playing M&M II on my apple IIGS many moons ago and than when I got a PC, I got  into M&M VI, VII, VIII, got IX too but that one really sucked 


Kingdom Hearts was much loved until I lost the disc:

And now I am currently playing D&D online which is a free MMORPG:  START PLAYING D&D ONLINE

Well, That is pretty much it for video games right now, I am sure more will get added to this list as time flies by.

Here is a list of the paper and pencil games I enjoy:

D&D I have played 2nd through 4th edition


Hero Quest

Descent: Journeys into the Dark

Magic the Gathering

Thank you for reading this post check out my previous post link here:  when wolves attack get to tower

Please remember to comment!

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